Cypher BILLBOARD x RCA Information Meeting
Monday 18 March 2019, 1pm
Room FRA127, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, Kensington, London SW7 2EU
An opportunity to hear more about the Cypher BILLBOARD project and upcoming 2019 programme ahead of the current open call deadline.
About the opportunity
Cypher Billboard is a project run by artists Holly Graham, Erin Hughes and Amba Sayal-Bennett, that seeks to commission responsive site-specific artworks for a billboard space in Bounds Green, London. The site hopes to challenge conventions of display, and act as a launch-pad for generating conversations, through a series of satellite events and workshops.
This 2019 series will feature works by five artists/collectives. The first in this series will be selected through this open call, open to current RCA students.
For the selected artist, the scope of the project will include:
- The development and production of one billboard poster artwork to be installed on the Domino Houses billboard site from 1st - 28th May 2019
- The programming of one accompanying event to correspond with the billboard artwork, and to be scheduled in the month the work is on display
- The contribution of a digital work for online project space Skelf [], to be showcased between 17th July – 15th Oct 2019
To apply
Please send a PDF with the following to by 20th March 2019:
- Short artist statement
- Proposal (250 words)
- Up to 5 images of recent work
- Link to website if applicable
Key dates
- 18th March, 1pm: Information meeting @ RCA Kensington, Room FRA127
- 20th March: Application deadline
- 21st March: Successful applicant notified
- 22nd March, 10am: Studio visit with successful applicant